Monday, April 2, 2012


So this post is mostly for me for when we are out of town and our new baby is not with us. I will at least have these to look at.
Not to worry, the cat is vicious and holds her own.

BJ is practicing his vet skills with my stethoscope on his ever patient patient.

She loves to sleep on her back, weird thing.

Oh my goodness it's official. I have become one of those crazy animal people posting about my pets.

For those who know me well, this picture will shock you. I do not like cats. There is not a nice way to put it, I just don't. So this scene every night makes me a little uneasy. But it makes TJ so happy, what can I do?
In all fairness this cat acts more like a dog. She comes when you call her, she eats dog food, and cleans up the scraps on the floor at the table. Plus she lets the kids harass her, which they do very well and holds her own with the dog so I guess we will keep her...while we live here.

Look at it all snuggled up to my child, ugh.


  1. Ok, being the cat person that I am this totally melted my heart. I remember how important to me my cats were growing up and there is nothing like snuggling a cat! Also, the dog is pretty darn cute too I must admit. But that cat wins me over. You will come around. You're half way there! I still can't believe you posted about animals. Shocking!!!! :-)

  2. I love cats too. They tend to be much less needy which I prefer :) But your dog is SO terribly cute!! Friends of our named their dog Roxy and she is the best dog ever, so hopefully it's good luck ;)
