Friday, May 4, 2012

My Personal Hell

I do not really believe in "Hell" in the traditional sense. 
But, I do know this is what my personal Hell would look like. It would include babies who were literally "thrown out" for whatever reason. My personal Hell would include mothers who feel they have no other choice, but to leave their babies to die. It would also include a system where the only medical care goes to those who have money, lots of money, but serve a population where historically people have little money, very little money.  I know it would not include people like Heather and Steve. This I know for sure. 
Heather and Steve founded and help to run the Creche that takes in the most severe of the severe cases of neglect, abuse, severe malnutrition, disease and birth defects. Not only do they do this for the people of Haiti, but also in their personal lives. 
They are my new heros. I want the pictures of them to be on a happy post so read on . . . later.
Our friend Eric holding a sweet baby girl with Hydrocephalus. 

This is an 11 month old baby boy. Yes, eleven months old. Literally starving to death.

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