Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Golden Ticket, part 2

I love this girlie. She is so stinkin' easy and lovely and everything that is not a 3 year old. She also continues to be our "golden ticket" (think Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) with the people of Haiti. They all love her. She breaks the ice in all situations. She is endearing and I dare you not to like her. It's impossible. Today when BJ broke his arm and we loaded the kids in the car to go to the hospital, Roselie and Angelo were just concerned that we were not feeding SF as she usually eats in the afternoon via her feeding tube.
We love her. I can not believe she has been part of our family for a year now. And in other ways, I can not believe it has only been a year. It seems like we have known her forever.

1 comment:

  1. I echo those comments, it went so fast and yet is does seem like forever. I sure love that little munchkin and hope to love on her soon
