Monday, January 30, 2012

Class Notes

The notes may get a little hard to understand as the kids are answering questions from their classes.

i have done a ton this week. first of we got the most annoying cat in the history of the world.Next we wet to the beach it was so awesome even though it took 2 hours to get there.At the beach there was a swimming pool, food,and a giant red thing that was floating that you could go 7 feet in the water.We also went swimming in a different swimming pool that was like the one in Stonegate across the school.I also figured out how to open the double lock on handcuffs without a key.I miss you so much and it feels like it has been 10 years in Haiti. but i still like it here.

Dear Class
I miss you so so so much .I got a cute little little cat we named it
Mckiley .But it dose not eat or drink or go potty .We wet to the beach
on Saterday.It was grate!!!There was a pool there to. As you can see I
am having a grate time
Love, IS

Ms. Lee-
that wuz svanu fot bii the trathlu wee got a cat naad Mckiley (that was SF foot by the tarantula. We got a cat named McKinley).
(My writing, Tate's words) I hope you do good with the kids in your class. We have trees around out house, the leafs are bigger than my Mom and Dad. They grow banannas. No the tarantula wasn't disguisting. How come you did so much exciting marks? We can not understand church becuase they speak Creole. We went to the beach there was a big crab in the sand. And then someone threw it in the water. I swimmed in the water. The water had seaweeds in it. The water tasted disguisting!!!!! (Mom, write five exciting marks).
Good Bye-
Love TJ

1 comment:

  1. Those letters to their classes are priceless. They make us laugh. Keep up the good work, you kids. Miss you.
