Sunday, January 8, 2012

Haitian Food

Tonight Fred, one of the guys who lives here, made us Haitian food. It was awesome! Rice with some kind of peas or lentils in it with this red sauce that went over it, chicken that was cooked for like 3 hours (This is a good thing, I have seen the chickens around here) and fresh juice. I am not sure what kind it was. It tasted like orange juice, but looked nothing like orange juice.

The "house help/security/gardener" around here is 3 guys. This is a man's house for sure. There is a giant flat screen TV with direct TV (so yes we saw the Broncos win), internet but no dishwasher, no washer or dryer, a stove you have to light, 3" mattresses, etc. The boys mop the floor with dirty water and instead of clean the towels, they just rinse them out and leave them to dry. least they cook really well and keep us safe. They really look out for the kids too. My prayer tonight: God, please help me to care less about clean.

This is one of the guys who works here. I will have to work on the pronunciation of his name before I even attempt to write it.


  1. What an experience you are all having, the food, church, the people, etc. Sure do like all the posts and the pictures. Miss you all.

  2. I may starve there or learn to love the cuisine I suppose. On our Caribbean cruises, I have never been a fan of the local food. However, Don likes it. Hopefully the kids are adventurous enough to try it and don't take after their Aunt! ♥
