Friday, January 27, 2012

Totally lost my mind

It's official. I have totally lost my mind. We have a puppy that cries at night unless she is sleeping with IS and poops all over the house and car.
And now we have a tiny baby kitten.
And I am not even really a furry pet lover. In fact, some people in this house are crazy allergic to both.
But that rat the other night put me over the edge. I have talked to several people getting rid of cats here and they all assure me anything other than a cat who has just been weaned will run away here. So I talked to another lady today who had kittens that were just weaned. She is not sure how old they are, but by looking at this little one I can not think they are very old. The cats are outdoor, wild cats and this little one is Mean. It is a good thing there is not a lot of size behind her meanness yet, we hope she will warm up to people. For now I think it (we don't dare try to figure out the gender) is just terrified.

Some more Tally pictures, for a Lab she did not like the water too much.


  1. Never, ever did I think your family would have a cat. How cute she is!!! I hope she is a good mouser. IS is just like a hot water bottle to the puppy. Take care. Miss you guys.

  2. I never thought I would see the day you got a dog, but now a cat. Wowza, only in Haiti as your posts say right ;) She is cute (Mike says no cat is cute. I love little kitty's) and so is cute Tally.
