Friday, June 29, 2012

A day to Celebrate?

Today should have been a day to celebrate. 
It was Justin's last day of work and the kids last day of home school (which is reason for me to celebrate)!
Fate had other plans.
The day started with Roselie in my room before the sun even came up telling me she thought we should take her sick son, whom we picked up last night, to the hospital.
We decided we would take him to the Dr. when they opened in 3 hours and so I tried to go back to sleep.
Only to be awakened by BJ who handed me the cup that was sitting on my nightstand full of his urine. And looking rather proud of himself. I swear this kid is in for a rough American adjustment.
We finally got all 9 kids ready and out the door only to find another power line has fallen and blocked the road. 
Which  means we will probably not have power until we return to the states.
And it means we had to take a back "road" down a hill that is so steep I will not even walk on it. 
There were a lot of prayers offered and breath holding and we made it.
-to the doctor
-to the pharmacy
-to the lab
with all 9 kids
then back to the lab to get the results 
and back to the doctor because I was so frazzled I literally left without paying,
and forgot BJ's hammer
I'm not sure which was worse.

And it turns out Roselies son, Waldy, is very sick.
 (post to follow, it is bad and I need some time to digest)
So, I tried to be happy and have a fun celebration with fruit loops and lucky charms for dinner and brownies and ice cream for dessert.
But, instead we ended up with wild kids, I wonder why, and now I am am on my second can of Pringles while I do a blog marathon.
Wonder who is going to have a sick belly next?
Our sugar cereal dinner, in a lot of ways I am like my mother. Not in this way.
Who feeds their kids sugar cereal for dinner then gives them brownies and ice cream.
Probably the same nut case who has 9 kids walking through Haiti.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a day indeed. Hopefully Rosalie's son will get better quickly. He is in my prayers!
