Sunday, June 24, 2012

a Hole or a Trench?

When we were considering adopting BT, I counseled with a very wise friend of mine. I was concerned that if we adopted the first child we fostered it would limit our ability to "help" other children. 

She talked with me about the fact that sometimes when you "go to war" you dig a fox hole (for two people), and sometimes you dig a trench (for a number of people). One is not better than the other. 

I have since thought about this a lot. Justin and I have talked a lot about what we feel is better for our family. It turns out my wise friend was correct, one is not better than the other. 

And it also turns out lucky for us that God has made "our burdens lighter" as we have been able to help and we have not really had to choose. And it also turns out in the end we are the ones that have been "helped" anyway...

The Feeding Clinic, trenches,
Some of the kids from the Feeding Clinic
While we love the trench, it is really the holes are the ones that stick with us. And if I'm honest I feel like seeking after the one is of eternal importance.
Baby Nicholas who holds a special place in my heart
A baby at the feeding clinic that I have fallen in love with, its funny even among the many one always sticks out.

And of course our two "foster babies", Velo

And Miss Hannah.

1 comment:

  1. Do not forget all us mamas waiting and longing to see our babies. Your stories of their smiles and pictures have provided us with a lot of comfort and peace. Add us to your trench which is quickly becoming a canyon. :)
