Monday, June 11, 2012

My Favorite Day

I think Saturday was my favorite days in Haiti, of course I think that every few days. 
We hiked down to the creek bed where there were small puddles of water, as the children got wetter the clothes started peeling off. 
Pretty soon they were walking around mostly naked like the rest of the Haitians. 
Again the picture does the real thing absolutely no justice. This is a natural waterfall, I do not think any man could have designed it more beautifully.
As always we ended up with a few extra kidos helping up the waterfalls. The waterfall was up a narrow canyon surrounded by rock. Many adults were worried for us and telling us we should not be walking up the canyon in case another tranbleman (earthquake) came. One man was so mad at the Haitian kids going with us he spanked them. 
I LOVE this picture.
This is what Haiti will always remind me of happy adorable extra children, family time, outdoors, peace, tranquility, just an indescribable inner calmness. 
BT's helper. It seems that wherever we go an older child will "adopt" the babies. They carry them everywhere. Here is BT's friend holding a leaf in the waterfall creating a drinking fountain for him. It was so sweet and kind that I let him despite the fact that he will probably get diarrhea.  
 BT and his special friend. I am not sure they could look any more different and yet you can see they have the same kind gentle soul. 
SF and her friend. SF has very mild cerebral palsy. Her gait can be painful to watch at times, especially in this rough terrain. I try to make her work through it. 
The Haitians think I am awful and immediately pick her up, then they look at me like 'seriously lady, what is wrong with you?' SF also does not eat anything by mouth and has a feeding tube, imagine their disgust when we don't feed her in restaurants either. 
We ended they day with some "real" swimming at the pool. 


  1. Oh how I miss you :) Love your family's the knee doing. Love both pictures with the babies and the Haitians, they are so precious!

    1. I love the picture at the end of the three kids relaxing by the pool. And of course the whole family picture. You are having a great time and glad you are finding places to go visit. You are making special memories. Love you, grandma Diane

  2. I love your heart for Haiti, Whitney. Thank you for showing us all sides of her - the brutal, the beautiful, and everything in between.
