Sunday, August 19, 2012

My new definition of clean

I have had to majorly redefine my definition of clean.
I am the kind of Mom who baths my kids every night with very little exception, then put them in clean PJ's every night, then puts them in a bed where sheets are changed weekly. 
I like things clean. 
I do not like shoes in my house, etc.
So, Haiti was a major readjustment. 
PJ's are worn for days because all laundry is done by hand.
There are literally worms in the water we bath in.
Dishes are all done by hand with cold water. 
The funny thing is that nobody really got sick while we were there, again another way we feel blessed.

Our bathroom we all shared. Something I will NOT miss! Another major difference, at "home" each child has a labeled towel that is theirs only. In Haiti, they all share. Again a laundry thing. 

Justins engineering. You flush the toilet by pulling the string, this was after months of lifting the lid and sticking your hand down the back. YUCK!

Somethings do not change, of all the babies that came and stayed in our home, this was still their first stop. 

And just when I start to feel gross about our worm water, I see these are some people on the street collecting water from a drain on the street. 

Clean sheets, that have been washed in cold water and hung to dry. Then they fell off the railing and laid in the dirt to finish drying. 
Clothes are usually dried outside in the dusty air, unless it is too rainy, then they lay inside for a few days on the stairs to finish drying. 

Who needs a bib?

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