Sunday, April 1, 2012

Counting the Days

For the first time this weekend I feel ready to visit home, really ready. I'm not sure if it is because I want to see my new nephew or if it is because it is conference weekend ( a bi-annual meeting in our church where our Prophet and other church leaders speak to us, in 4 general sessions) and this is usually a big family weekend for us or because the roar of the generator is getting old. Either way I'm excited to visit and lucky for me it is coming soon! People keep asking me "Are your afraid you won't want to come back?" While I miss a lot of things, I was more afraid until this weekend I would not want to go. I really like it here.
A few weeks ago the kids made a chain counting the days until we are visiting our "real home" as the affectionately call it. On each link we wrote something we were looking forward to doing/seeing or for me eating. The chain is getting very short as we are going to be visiting the US very soon.
Here were some of our things we were looking forward to:
- Seeing Family (all)
- Seeing Friends (all)
- Seeing Hayley's new baby (all)
- Shopping in NY (IS)
- Hacienda (me)
- Running and bike rides (Justin)
- Ryan's Lizards (TJ & CT)
- Nana (BJ)
- Drinking from the faucet (all)
- A real shower (me)
- Visiting the handcuff stores (CT)
- FroYo (me)
- The Park (babies)
- Seeing Sunshine, our lizard (big kids)
- Bug free nights (all)
- Driving where people follow the rules (Justin & I)
- Eating American Beef- yum! (all, okay maybe mostly me)

1 comment:

  1. Really wishing I was one of the friends you are excited to see, I really want to be there when you get back and of course go to Hacienda with you :)
