Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Orphanage

We have been missing the babies at the O we go to most often. Really missing them.
We had to make a quick stop there this am. When we arrived they were mostly all sitting on the couch or in their high chairs waiting. All except the group that is potty training, stupid potty training takes some of my favorites away.
I had to catch a picture while I could of all of them together.
From left to right (some names skipped due to parent requests)
Nicholas, a girl friend, Grace, a boy friend, Nora, new baby Whitney, two boy friends and baby Alex.

The new baby Whitney on the right and sweet, chunky baby Nora on the left. Nora is about 7 months, Whitney is 3 years old. Angie, this one if for you!

SF with a friend and the same new baby. SF is supposedly her age. SF is in the 2 % for weight for her age, I wonder where Whitney would fall.

IS and the boys were not about to miss their chance to be in the picture.

This one is for you Amy. Not a great one, but they were both vying for my lap time and I had to just take a quick picture for you.
The welcoming committee. Whenever we pull into the gate or leave, this is the sight we see. I love it. They are excited to see us come and actually totally fine to see us go, especially when we take our dog with us. We are working on it, but most are still not dog people. It just makes my heart happy to get to be part of their lives for this time.


  1. STILL potty training?! Well, I guess I should be thankful they aren't rushing them ;) I'm glad you're back!

  2. These babies are so precious! I love the welcoming committee.

  3. Glad to know Grace is on the welcoming committee! Whitney? Love it!!! What an honor.

  4. Glad to know Grace is on the welcoming committee! Whitney? Love it!!! What an honor.

  5. I agree with Amy--what an honor and totally appropriate--baby Whitney! : )

    Thank you for the new always, they are dear to my heart and a blessing to see!

    Welcome back!

  6. So Mica was looking at her friends in your photos. She loves the friends all sitting on the sofa and repeated, "Chien, Chien." Were they all up on the sofa because of a dog?
