Monday, April 30, 2012


The emotional and spiritual strength of the people of Haiti always impresses me. I have said this many times.   I wanted to share some pictures of the physical strength. These are just some of the images I have caught.
Some other images that I have not caught, but have seen
- 4 men carrying a full size refrigerator up our hill. I have told you about our hill. When we walk on it, the kids crawl like bears because it is so steep, yet these men were carrying a refrigerator up the hill.
- One day on our walkabout, a man was walking in front of us with a large machete. We watched as he quickly cut down a large tree, threw it over his shoulder, and walked back up the hill towards home.
- Yesterday we were driving on yet another bumpy Haitian road and a bundle of 2x4's fell off a truck. The passenger quickly got out and threw the whole bundle over his shoulder and ran back up the hill towards the truck.
- One of my favorite times was when we went to buy the rice for the feeding clinic. We bought five 50 lb bags of rice, 250lbs total. The man we bought it from had another guy load the bags, bag by bag onto the top of his back (where your neck meets your shoulders) he carry it to our car. The most crazy part is that I do not think they guy could have weighed more than 150 lbs.


  1. Rachel said one of the most common complaints in the clinics is back and neck pain from carrying so many way-to-heavy items. I am amazed by people's ingenuity though. We would often just stand there and say "it is impossible", yet they find a way to make it work!

  2. I agree. What floors me is the haitian's may get seen in a clinic once a year if they can, but they are not in an ER begging for narcotics or filing for disability or hiring an attorney so they can get on welfare. They just keep working. My husband was so impressed when we were there he helped lift a huge thing of vegetables onto a Haitian's head. He said it must have weighed 200lbs.
