Thursday, July 12, 2012

More Heartbreak in Haiti

I remember having the distinct impression before we moved to Haiti, that one, it was what we should do and two, it was going to be harder then we thought it would be. Both have proven to be true. I think our last day was the hardest. We learned that Roxy was killed by the dogs we left her with. Needless to say we are beyond heartbroken for all involved. I learned two valuable lessons here; 1- trust your instincts. 2- we should do what we think is right and not worry about judgment from others, I don't care if she was a rotweiller she was a great dog and fit very well in our family whether Allstate wants to insure us or not. We are thanking God today for so many tender mercies He has shown us as we deal with our sadness. And trying to put on a happy face for the kids..


  1. I remember having those conversations with Whit. I am so glad all worked out for you and your family. It was a great experience for you all. Second, I am so, so sorry about Roxy. I know how much you all loved her, she was a great dog indeed.

  2. Oh Whitney. I'm so sorry to hear the news about Roxy. What a horrible thing to leave with news of. Please know we will be praying for you all. I'm so sorry.

    On a separate note, welcome home. I'm not sure I'm probably as excited as you are since I know your absence in Haiti will be a hard one for me to swallow! : ) Nonetheless, welcome back to the US soil and enjoy a REALLY LONG warm shower in a fully lit bathroom after you brush your teeth over and over using the water straight from the faucet! : )

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about Roxy. That is a very sad ending to your stay there! I hope and pray that your adjustment to being home goes smoothly, while you retain all the things God has taught you while you were there.
