Sunday, May 20, 2012

Baby Hannah Update

This little girl has done a 180 in the last few days. She is laughing, talking and my personal favorite, giving kisses. When she is feeling really happy she will grab my face and plant a huge open mouth kiss on me. I love it. 
SF and Hannah.
IS and Hannah at the beach.
We had to buy a basket on the beach for Hannah to sleep in as the night before she started rolling over and I did not want her to roll on the sand or anything. 
She is still using her feeding tube, but is starting to take more food by mouth. However, when she does eat by mouth she gets a really bad cough. I am really worried about her aspirating.
Maybe the worst picture ever of me, but I love her "oh I am so happy to see you face."


  1. Glad to hear she is doing better. She is super cute!

  2. So glad to hear she is doing better. Love the pictures with her and SF and IS. So cute. The picture with you is priceless!
