Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Class Notes

This will be the last week for class notes as the school is out at home now. Maybe now we will start writing grandparents notes...
Dear class,how are you? What have you been doing. I jumped of a waterfall that was 20 feet high so that's what one of the pictures is of.  Then you will not believe this you know beaches? Well i went to one and guess what? After we went to lunch and I had like 500 rolls. We went back and I saw the DJ that they usually have and i thought well i should ask him to play Billie Jean so i asked but he wouldn't play it so i asked again and then the third time he let me ad he said "Man listen a lot a people ask me to play songs so I've gotta play their songs" and I was all well can you play mine next I asked. Will you dance? And I was like sure for you guys? And they were like ya us. And I was like ya. So then I started dancing. and I did a move where I turned around and right in front of me the whole beach had came to watch. All over there were Haitians staring at me cheering go Micheal Jackson, go Micheal Jackson and I was like wow I've gotta dance better. So the song ended and i went to go find my family and people were coming up to me saying hey Micheal Jackson or good dancing Micheal.and so i went to go see my family and right when I was about to leave a my dad came up to me and said someone wants to meet you so I came over and saw this man and looked at his badge and it said manager. And I almost fainted because this man owned this beach that was like 10 miles in perimeter. And he said man you did the peep of a job out there. Come get some ice cream. So he let me chose a large ice cream and I choose chocolate cookies and cream with sprinkles. then we went to Rosalie house and wait tell you here this 8  people sat in one bed. and we tried coconut juice it was horrible but i had to pretend I liked it, you know Moms.

Dear Class-
I miss you so much. I am going to miss you so much when you go on break. We got a little baby named Hannah. We were her foster parents. She stayed with us for a long time. And now she had to go and I really miss her. We went to Roslels house, it was very small. And we had coconut and sugar cane. We went to the beach by her house. We went to a giant waterfall, CT jumped off it. Also, we went to another beach and there was Michael Jackson playing and CT danced in front of every body that was there. And my Nana and Grandpa are here. It was Breckins Birthday, we got party poppers. As you can see I am having so much fun. 
Love, IS

Ms. Lee-
I miss you so much. I want to come home and be in first grade and give Ms.Lee a hug goodbye. 
The picture is of Hannah of me sleeping next to her. Hannah was so cute. I miss her so much, because she was so cute. We were being her foster parents now she is with her forever family. The tadpoles were so cute and fun, we got them at the feeding clinic. They growed big, then they got dumped out or ate by Kinley, we don't know. Kinley is our cat, she is so nice. The other picture was a scorpion it was so giant Mom had to step on it with two shoes. Another picture is a guy cutting sugarcane with a machete. We were at Roselies house, it is like a Haitian house. They have a sheet covering their door so they don't get all the bugs in. The cops here look so weird, because they have little tiny armor and big giant pistols that can shoot through 18 people and the 18th would just get injured. My Nana and Grandpa came, I've been playing with them. 
Love, TJ

1 comment:

  1. Their letters crack me up. It is so fun to read things through their eyes!
