Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Feeding Clinic Today

Here are the boys catching tadpoles which we of course had to bring home to add to our interesting pet hospital. It had rained hard and the mud below the tarps was full of tadpoles. 
 While the boys played, the girls worked. Here is IS helping get the food set out before the feeding started. 
 Rachel along with the other women who cook the food helping to get the plates ready.
 Just a few of the kidos. Today we had about 155. Johnny shared a message and then they sang a few songs. He was trying to teach them "I am a Child of God" in Creole and then a song that apparently every person in the country knows. Well, everyone that is besides us. 
 At the end of the clinic Johnny wanted me to look at a boy who has "mental issues". In talking to his mother it was very obvious he had some form of autism. She was concerned because it did not manifest itself until the boy was about two which happened to be the same time his father died. Of course everyone there thought it was some kind of voodoo curse. I am not sure what they were hoping for me to accomplish with this child, but I left feeling a little unuseful. It was also a little intimidating that what started out as a conversation between her and I turned into a ton of people and opinions. 

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