Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Haitian B-Days

 Five of our Six children have had their Birthdays while we lived in Haiti. The other one missed if by only a few weeks. For all but one of them we have had guests in town so that made them even more special. One we were even able to be back in the states for and celebrate with everyone including the his Aunt whom he shares a B-day with. 
We have a tradition of saving all of our cards and hanging them up for the month. Lucky for us our cards were delivered to us this time.

Good thing she does not eat and does not know just how horrible my homemade cake was.

And now all three babies are three, and so far three is looking more busy than two. 


  1. I didn't know you did that with cards, how fun. Maybe I should be better sending them to your kids :) Love that picture of the babies, so cute and so big!

  2. This doesn't really have anything to do with the current post, but I do LOVE your new photo at the top of the blog!!! : ) Angie
