Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Haitian Mothers Day

Yesterday was Mothers Day in Haiti. I know some Mamas who I am sure are missing their babies on this special day, so here are some pictures to share. Sorry I did not catch all of the children. I will take some more pictures later this week. 
Baby Grace
Baby Nicholas, this is kind of an old picture, but he has not been feeling well.

The O has two new baby girls,  

And this new little girl is doing so much better. 

Baby Giselle

Baby Patrick

Baby Nora

Baby Alex


  1. So precious!!!!! Girls are everywhere right now--here it was boys, boys, boys and now it's quite the opposite! Thank you somuch for the beautiful new photo--what a wonderful Haitian Mother's Day photo! Love her so much! Angie

  2. Happy Mother's Day to you too, Whitney! I wish we could give you a gift as precious as you give us when you post these lovely photos of our children. Thank you for the blessing of these :)
