Monday, March 5, 2012

Class Notes

Dear Class-
I really miss you and wish you could be here. How are you guys? Is school good? What are you learning about? Are you having fun? What do you do at recess?
We have done a lot this week like rapping in the rain. We also went to the pool with my friend Nathan, we played a game where you hide something in the pool and you have to find it. We did not play it long so he ended up winning 6-4. Then we went to order lunch, I got spaghetti and everyone said mine was the best. Then we went and told each other secrets.
Right now we are about to go to the baby house orphanage. The owner said not to come early because all the babies were stinky.
We also made a rope swing and we swung on it in the rain.
I really miss you and look forward to seeing you in a month.
Sincerely, CT

Dear Class-
I miss you so much. How is school? Are you having fun? My family had to stay home all week cos our car was brokin. When it was fixed my we went to the pool with my friend Jenna. My family got sick with a cold. We got a new gard named Jony, he is very very nice. As you can see I am having a grate time.
Love, IS
P.S. Write back soon

I miss you so so so so much. I love you.
That picture was the upside down American Flag. It makes me feel sad that it was upside down.
That picture was CT swinging on the rope swing. Me and CT and IS made it.
And the other picture is my hammock. I like my hammock and I got it for my birthday. It is upstairs on our deck and we can go on our roof.
The other picture is a picture of our view when we were on the roof, we took the picture and then we went back downstairs.
We have 3 floors in our house, counting the roof.
Bye Bye-
Sincerely, TJ

1 comment:

  1. I love these! I especially love that the babies were stinky...hopefully that got resolved! : ) Thanks, as always, for loving on them.

    Blessings, Angie
