Sunday, March 25, 2012

If You Build It, They Will Come

Today after church we had the chance to go out to St. Rock again and meet with the people we are going to start the feeding clinic with and for. Johnny (our security guard) went with us, he is going to be sharing a spiritual message with the people before they eat. We sent word that we would be taking pictures of children who may be interested in participating in the feeding clinic.
Others we have spoken to about feeding clinics say that they usually are slow to start so we were thinking that saying we could feed 100-150 would be doable. Imagine our surprise when we pulled up to find a crowd of 175 children and their parents waiting for us. I think they had been sitting for a long time waiting for our arrival and saving our spots.
I was humbled again today and reminded again how blessed I am. I only hope that we can pass some of our blessings onto these people.


  1. That is so awesome...looks like this is just one of the reasons the Lord wanted you to come here.

  2. Wow! What an amazing opportunity. I'm looking forward to seeing how this all plays out :)

  3. I would echo what Denise said!!!! I am excited to see God's plan for you!

  4. I continue to be in awe of all you are doing. Love and miss you guys!
