Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Of all the things that could go wrong with our giant beast of a truck that has no seat belts in the back seat, drives on roads that are not fit to be driving on with people who are not fit to be driving in a land where there are no traffic rules, I never expected the first car incident to be this one.
It was totally my fault. I did not see BJ climbing in the back and slammed the door on his arm and broke it.

The silver lining is that we went to an amazing little hospital in Petionville that took an x-ray without seeing anyone and sent us on to an amazing orthopedic also in town who casted his arm and had us on our way all in under 3 hours. And that was with waiting 2 hours for the Dr.to get back from another clinic. I was impressed with the medical care we got here today and glad we found out about it in less than serious circumstances although BJ may disagree. The whole way down the mountain he cried at me "you shut the door on my arm!" over and over and over like I could feel any worse than I already do.


  1. Oh our poor BJ...don't worry, both Mike and I know how it feels. It is awful, don't worry...he won't remember it for too long ;)

  2. So sorry to hear about BJ's arm. So frustrating as a mom to know it was an accident you unfortunately played a part in. I kicked myself over and over when I forgot to unplug the treadmill last summer and my son ended up with burns all over his body from being thrown to the end of it and then caught between the track and the wall. Such an awful feeling. Accidents obviously happen so if you need a little grace today--consider yourself "graced". He will heal so quickly as a child--it's remarkable to me! Sending love and prayers for a speedy recovery...Angie
