Friday, March 16, 2012

The Orphanage

This week we had the chance to go to the O twice. The first day the nannys' were just about to bath one of my favorite little guys so I asked if I could. They let me and it was so sweet that we asked if we could come back the next day to help with all the kiddos. It was fun to spend one on one time with each of them. We are there a lot and get to love on all of them, but most of the time there are 2-3 on your lap at once so this was a little different.
Baby Alex, loving his bath.
IS and Giselle, who just wanted to be snuggled a little while after her bath before getting dressed.
Our favorite Chunky Monkey, Nora.
IS helping to lotion.
The new cribs and name tags in use. Yay! I hope each of these babies can have a spot they feel is their own.
The nannys brought up the food and quickly BJ ran over the get a bowl to help this little girl eat. I am quite sure she could feed herself, but he was not having it. He kept shoveling it in and saying "swallow" to her after each bite. The 3 oldest kids always help with feeding when it is feeding time, but it looks like we will have a new "helper" too.


  1. So sweet! The Nannies laughed at me when I did bath time with Giselle the first time because I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I think I messed up their system a bit. I love after bath cuddles when babies are in their towels - so glad to see Giselle likes them too :)

  2. I want to have some cuddles from those precious cuties...yours' too!

  3. Alex looks so great. I cannot wait til I get to give him his mommy after bath snuggles!!!!
