Friday, June 1, 2012

Another Little Person

We have recently added another little person to our brood. 
We have some friends here who have some friends who are adopting from a less than desirable orphanage. Their son Velo has been pretty sick with a really bad infection that was originally thought to be a hernia. We are looking after him and trying to nurse him back to health. Who knew we would ever be living with four little people who are about the same age.


  1. He is too stinking cute. By the way, nothing you do surprises me anymore especially when it comes to love, serving, and charity. You are amazing Whit! Love you!

  2. You continue to amaze me, Whitney! It's like God has meant for you to be in Haiti for so much more than you ever thought in the first place! I'm really going to miss having your presence there. Bless you!

  3. So glad to see Velo with your family. He's such a sweet little guy. I hope the medication works for him. What did the pediatrician say this week? Mom
