Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Voodoo vs. Medicine

A few months ago Johnny was telling us about his brother who was going to die. We were asking him what had happened as the kid was only in his early 20s. Johnny explained that his brother had made some poor choices in engaging in extramarital relations and in doing so he had a curse (voodoo) placed on him. The curse had run its course and now, some years later, the kid was going to die. 
When we asked him the symptoms of the "curse" he gave us a text book explanation of syphilis. I mean text book. When I told him what I thought it could be he said to me. "Yes, I guess it could be syphilis that was cursed upon him."
For quite a while I have thought of this experience and been a little shocked that a person could die of an aliment so easily treated. (He did in fact die a few days later.) The beginning stages of syphilis are literally treated by a dose of penicillin. Cheap, easily accessible penicillin. But, you have to first think that you have an aliment that is caused by an actual organism of some sort to even consider going to the doctor. And I guess if the thought that you were dying of a virus, or a bacteria or whatever else these people die of never crossed your mind, you may never see a medical doctor. 
For a while I thought these Voodoo beliefs were crazy, outlandish and frankly wasteful of human life. Until I started examining my own beliefs. I firmly believe in the power of the Priesthood. I know God grants miracles and I have been witness to some in my life. I firmly believe in the power of prayer. I believe people can literally be healed. So maybe their belief in the power to make someone sick is not a lot different than my belief in the power to heal?
Some other great Haitian medical stories.
-This morning Johnny took the oldest kids on a walk. They came home with handfuls of herbs. I asked him what for and he said they were for putting the kids to sleep at night. I just hope it was chamomile.
- When expecting a baby, if you want a girl baby you should buy a rooster and eat him. If you want a boy you should eat a female chicken.
-A woman monthly cycle here is totally misunderstood and some of their beliefs totally crack me up.
a. a woman who is menstruating should not care for small children, unless they are her own, or the child will get very sick.
b. at the end of a woman's monthly cycle it is very normal for the women here to take one amoxocillin, just one to make sure everything is taken care of.

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