Friday, June 15, 2012

The Countdown

We are down to weeks before we return "home". 
We are fearful of the great reverse culture shock that is going to occur. 

The things we are looking forward to
1- Sleeping in my own bed
2- Drinking water out of the faucet
3- Running
4- Cooking on the grill
5- Teaching CT how to mow the lawn

1- Costco, yep that is how shallow I am
2- Brushing my teeth with sink water
3- Showering in water that does not make my hair fall out in clumps, literally clumps
4- Not wondering if the latest mosquito bite my children have will give them Malaria
5- School, for all 6 of them!

1- Seeing relatives
2- Playing with friends at recess
3- Holding Sunshine, his lizard.
4- Going to school
5- Going to the park/pool
6- Electricity all the time

1- Getting braces
2- Going to our Family Reunion
3- Taking Roxy to training school
4- Going to school
5- Bringing Roselie to visit

1- Getting a turtle
2- Going to our Family Reunion
3- Ride in an airplane
4- Seeing my Family
5- Play Legos with Ryan

1-To buy a pool (clearly there has been a miscommunication here)
2-Play legos, animals, toys (naming all the things on our toy shelf here)
Bottom line, these kids don't know what "home" is

Things we will Miss
1- Chauffeurs
2- My news paper selling friend I see every day on my way to work
3- Sights on the street
4- Being stared at from people in the back of tap-taps
5- The feeding clinic and orphanage  kids

1- Seeing Gods hand daily, literally daily (I know this is still possible at home just harder, for me anyway)
2- Really good quality time with my kidos
3- My kidos not having friends to play with which has forced them to be best friends
4- Buying produce without ever getting out of the car
5- The oh so yummy bread

1- Getting bananas off the street
2- Going in our backyard to see a waterfall, TIC
3- Dancing and gathering seashells at the beach
4- Going to the orphanage and throwing stuff at rats
5- Johnny, who is a giant kid

1- My room in this house
2- Home school
3- The beach
4- People visiting us and bringing surprises
5- The orphanage kids and Johnny

1- No seat belts
2- Having a soccer field in my back yard
3- The beach
4- Sleeping in my mosquito net
5- Kinley, the cat.


  1. I too am looking forward to your reunion because I am hoping you will drive through and see me :)

  2. Even after 5 days in Haiti, the reverse culture shock lasted for weeks for me. Not to fear, us mamas will help you through!!
