Friday, June 15, 2012

The Orphanage This Week

There is a new Nanny at the O named Kettley. I really like her. When we arrived this week, many of the kids were outside playing on riding toys. 
 Baby Nora and I
(I will try and get a better one before I leave, Angie) 
 My kids and Stevenson playing with the parachute, everyone else looking at us like we were nuts 
 Amy, I hope you are ready to battle this hair!

I love baby Nicolas smiles! Especially when they are accompanied by open arms running to me. 
 IS and Nora, she is really going to miss this baby
 Baby Giselle is going home so soon, we are so excited for her and her wonderful family!


  1. These are wonderful and I'm so thankful for the new nanny!!! Thank you for getting the picture of you and Nora for me...if you want to grab even more before you leave, that is wonderful, but this one is great too--it shows interaction! : ) You will all be so greatly missed. If you jump on facebook (or want to join our ROH Yahoo group) when you get back we are pretty much all there and post pictures whenever we get them--it would be a way for you all to keep up with the progress on all of the children. I feel like you are all extended family at this point anyway : )

  2. I am a total novice with that hair anyway!!! Lol!! Love it!

  3. That picture of Grace is priceless!

  4. as we walk with the lord of all lords as we need help with our homes , God is always there just pray that God will put new houses for all these kids here.amen
