Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Orphanage Today

Despite things being a little crazy here this weekend, we had to sneak over to borrow a port-a-crib and have a little love from the babies. 
The Line-up, all the kids in their highchairs
Baby Nora and her first two teeth.
Our boys have discovered the ride on cars and the hill on the driveway  go quite well together.
Here are the two oldest boys at the O, enjoying their rides too.
IS and I getting our loves from Partick, Grace, Giselle, Nora and Alex
Giselle was so giggly today. I think she knows she is going home soon and you  tell how happy she is about it!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nora turned 9 months old yesterday while you were there with her. Thank you so much for taking the photos--love her teeth.
