Sunday, February 5, 2012

The difference a day makes...

Last week was rough. Some things I can post on the blog now, some that will have to wait until we get the situation figured out.
When we have a bad day here I just have to remind myself it is usually just my expectations have been let down and no permanent damage has been done. And usually "it is nothing a good night sleep and an attitude adjustment won't fix."
I continue to be grateful for the Lord's hand in our lives.
* My sickness is gone, nobody else seems to have gotten it. (now my clothes will fit better after my weight I have gained from eating so much rice)
* He surrounds us with good people. This week a friend who has been here for like 20 years (she is from the States, but married to a Haitian) came over and talked through a lot of situations with me. We have had a hard time figuring out "house help" what is needed, what is not, what can be expected, what we are expected to give. Some of the things I was really surprised by. For example, if the lady who irons your clothes once a week gets sick or her child does you should pay for all her or her child's medical care. We talked about security and safety. She is a wonderful mentor.
* We get to go to the beach and be beach bums, some of us literally.

* The stupid cat finally eats. It has special "cat formula" that it drinks. I am not making this up people. Cat formula. What have a gotten myself into? It had better be a good mouser! If it survives the 2 year olds.

(The dog and cat are still trying to decide if they are going to be friends.)

* The puppy is sleeping in her kennel now. We don't sleep as well, but at least she is in it. Now if only we could get her potty trained. I am now up to 4 things in my house that do not use the bathroom where I would prefer. 4 is too many.
*Rachel, my second set of hands, is here! Now if this does not make your day what will?
* The kids find cheap ways to entertain themselves. This highly photographed child is usually doing something destructive, dangerous, or dirty, but he LOVES it. The other one we have nicknamed "pigpen" because no matter where he is or what he is doing, his face always looks like this. I swear his little mug is a dirt magnet.
(you may have to blow up the picture to see what I mean)

*The kids are "getting used to Haitian food" I was loving it until the other day when Roselie was cooking she wanted me to try a bite and opened the pot. I looked inside and there was literally a chicken foot in there. A real clawed chicken's foot (along with chicken neck, heart and who knows what else) in my food! I decided to tell nobody at the table and fast that night.

*We get to go on Sunday drives to see the top of the mountain and realize again God has made Haiti really beautiful. Again the pictures do it no justice.

We knew it was going to be rough at times and I am sure we are in for some more hard times ahead, but things always get better especially when I take time to remember all that is good and right here. And there is SO much.

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pictures. Sounds like the kitten is pretty young if it is needing formula. That's a bummer! I'm sure it will be awhile before it is a mouser, but looks like it will be well socialized from the little ones. Hang in there!
