Saturday, February 25, 2012

Fort Jacques

Today we toured Fort Jacques. It made me want to see more of Haiti and learn more about the history of Haiti. It was first built in 1804 after Haiti had declared its independence from France. It was built to look over the bay as the French would have to arrive by boat.
The view from the top.

Fort Jacques was built about 3 KM away from Fort Alexandr, this tunnel connected the two. It fell in the first earthquake that hit Haiti in 1842.
BJ at the gate. This was the only "real size" door at the whole place.
The water source. A 16 ft. well that served as drinking and bathing water. I am glad to see some things have not changed in Haiti in the last 200+ years.
CT was really excited to see the jail, but he was disappointed there were no handcuffs, etc. inside.


  1. Rachel took me there on my first trip to Haiti - it was so interesting! There was a young man who saw us driving up, and ran across a field and up the road to tell us he would be our guide. He was really good, and his English was great. He was trying to raise money to go back to school, so hopefully he wasn't there this time as he was in school ;)

  2. Was there an admission cost going to For Jacques? I am taking a group of children for a field trip and I wasnt sure how much it costs each person.

