Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Haiti Today

"Haiti in a week" is going to be tough. But we are determined to fit in as much as we can possibly can with Kait.

Today we went to the orphanage first thing. Here are some children Potty Training in Haiti. This cracked me up and made me ponder doing the same thing with my 3 little ones.

The kids were a little sleepy today.

Giselle was asleep when we got there.

This is the little guy who was dropped off last week whom to the best of my knowledge has not found his forever home yet. It kind of broke my heart that last week he was probably getting held to sleep regularly at home with his bio-parents and while the nanny's are great, it is just not possible at the orphanage. I held and rocked him for all of 5 min and he was out.

Alex was super smiley, interactive, and adorable today.

I think Rachel found a new best friend in Grace. She was really open, cute, and playful today. Then she cried when Rachel left. Truth be told, so did Rachel. It is a heartbreaking situation every time we go actually. On one hand, we love being there and hope our presence is good for the kids. On the other hand, we leave every time and they cry. I wonder if showing someone something they can not have long term, at least until they go home, is good or not?

Kait had a fun time getting loves and playing games with the kids.

We did a lot of shopping, the Mache, the street market by the Baptist mission, the Apparent Project.
Lastly onto the feeding clinic. Today they had a group in who was helping. They brought bracelets for the kids to make. They brought them in these snack size ziplock bags. Some of the children cried when the baggies were collected. It made me remember just how little they must have to make a ziplock so cool.

Again, the picture does not do the situation justice. This is TJ's hand he is almost 6. The other boys were at least 9-10. Their wrists were as small as my 2 year old's.

We were a little more involved in actually feeding some of the little kids who did not have big sister's looking after them like this one did.

Kait "rescued" this little one from some boys who were trying to take her food away.

I tried to coerce this little one into eating for quite some time. It killed me to see her throw food and water away because I am not sure she has more at home.

1 comment:

  1. Such great photos, Whitney - thank you :) I know your question about whether it is better to go to the O or not is something that I struggle with as well - even in our visits there. I think (and hope) that it is still better for them to be loved on and shown their worth for even a few minutes than not at all. Someday they will be at rest with their new homes, but in the mean time - being hugged and cuddled can't be a bad thing.
