Sunday, February 19, 2012

Humbled Again

Last week we went to our Bishop and his family's house. As I see them at church I feel as though they are some of the more wealthy members. Of course this is hard to tell by looks so just a guess. There are probably about 150 members that attend our ward. We are one of four that meets in the building. We drive one of the two or three cars that is parked in the parking lot every Sunday.
Our Bishop's house is the first Haitian house I have been in. It is a nice decent size house and is clean. But it has 4 bedrooms and the Bishop and his wife have 13 orphans living with them. So there are 17 people total who live in this house. There is no kitchen inside. The bishop, his family, wife and 2 kids share 1 small bedroom.
There are an estimated 700 orphanages in Haiti and an estimated 500,000 orphans. Many of the orphans have parents, but they can not take care of them so they are put into these orphanages. The orphanages are not funded by the government. Many people like our Bishop are just good people taking kids off the street.
Last week we visited them and asked how we could help. They said they did not have enough clothes for all the kids for church. I called two of my BFF's at home with daughters who sent clothes over with Kait. Tonight we brought the clothes over to their home and talked to them for awhile.
This was the most humbling part. As we were talking they told me they want me to start an organization. They want people to sponsor children so they can go to school. They want to eventually build a school that will cost less money for the kids to go to. I assumed they were talking about their own kids so I asked if it was just for the 13. Imagine my surprise when they told me they were "okay", it was for another "town" so we were talking about a ton of kids. I felt overwhelmed. While I think this is a great idea and much needed, I am not even sure where to start. Rachel on the other hand is pretty excited so I think we will see where this goes.
I do not believe in spiritual coincidences. Some people have donated on this site, Thank-you. Yesterday we were given a very large donation. Justin and I were praying last night to know how best to use the money that has been donated. There is SO much need here it is hard to know where to start or what will make the most difference. Then today this fell in our laps.
Back to our knees, again! Thank You God for giving us these opportunities.
Some of the kids at the Bishops house. The girl and boy in the front are theirs.

The boys room at the orphanage. 5-6 boys sleep in here.


  1. Whitney,
    What an Amazing girl your are! I found your blog yesterday and have been glued to it catching up on all of your posts. What an incredible experience for you and your family! To someone who already had enough on her plate with three little ones not to mention a special needs child. You could of stayed put in CO, yet you left the comfort and security to serve others! You truly are an inspiration to me! You and your family will be in our prayers!
    Shauna Marcusen

  2. Wow. That really does put things in perspective and helps me remember how blessed I am and how much need there is. That is so inspiring that you are really walking the walk and giving to those who so desperately need help and teaching your children how blessed they are and the joy of serving. Wow.

  3. They sound like an amazing family. I'm sure Beth at MTM could give you some good feedback on a program like that - it sounds like a huge undertaking, but a hard one to turn down. Hopefully if this comes to fruition, you would have a lot of help!
