Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Getting Settled

The kids and I have spent the last 3 days getting settled. Being unsettled is really hard for me. Another lesson to learn in Haiti! I just feel like with 6 little kids things are unsettled enough and I end up with enough surprises that I do not need to be disorganized and in this state of in between, never knowing where anything is, needing something and not having it yet etc. It totally makes me come unglued.
So over the last few days the kids and I have bought shower curtains, hammers, barbed wire, a water dispenser, plywood to make a shelf, silverware, a peeler, laundry tubs etc etc etc. Nothing gets done quickly here. And we have been put through the ringer over the past few days.
For example to get internet we waited in a 10x10 room for over 2.5 hours with all 6 kids and 9 other adults. Mind you this was a tiny non-ventilated room and people do not wear deodorant here and it is HOT! By the time we left, I was almost ready to spit fire. It was all I could do to pretend to keep it together.
This was after they let us out of the holding cell and they were testing the internet, only to find it would not work! Ugh! We did get it figured out.

The drive home, 2 hours late for naps. We do have car seats, we just don't always use them yet as we are hauling stuff still.

Monday we ran errands, only made 4 stops, and were gone for over 7 hours.
Tuesday we went to a store like Home Depot. It was a ways away and we found almost everything we needed on the street on the way there.
Then today we just stayed at our new house. It was great. The kids had a blast making ant homes. I was able to unpack and Rosalie spent the day doing laundry. Vlad, who drove for us when we visited, ran around and got more supplies. He loves to spend our money and tell us what we do and don't need. For example, one of the head lights was out on the car, I asked him to take it in to get replaced. He informed me we needed to replace both as the other one would not look the same if we did not replace it and would maybe go out soon also. I guess he does not get the if it's not broke don't fix it mentality.
The house is coming along okay. It was a new build and is missing a lot of things. But we are grateful to have it and feel silly complaining that there are not things like shower rods or silverware when we look around. Since we have been here the power has been out at least 8 hours a day. We have an inverter, but it can not run the refrigerator which is not that big of a deal as dairy is a premium we don't usually buy. The hot water heater is not working which makes for really loud showers with the kids! But everyday when I watch the women and children walk down the hill with empty containers to collect water and I am just happy we have water. We have seen 2 mice in the house and plenty of evidence there are more and spiders as big as the palm of your hand. No rats yet, so that is good. I did see rat traps at the store the other day and almost threw up. They were as big as 3 decks of cards!


  1. Rats...ewww!! I think the spiders alone would send me screaming. Imagine squishing one of them. No thanks! :-)

  2. I am starting to feel super guilty complaining about everything ;) You're such a trooper!
