Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Haiti through a child's eyes

I guess we will not have to go far from home for the kids to have some time to reflect.
Rosalie (I still owe a post on her) helps us with the endless chores here, was here this am. She eats breakfast with us and after breakfast the kids all wanted gum. I gave her some and she put it in her pocket. CT asked "Why whenever we give her something in a wrapper does she take it home?" I know she does not eat it while at our home. I can only guess she takes home what she can and feeds it to her family there.
Later in the day when she worked through lunch. We had tons of laundry today and she refuses to stop until she is done with a job so the kids wanted to make her a snack to take home. It really bothered IS that she did not eat lunch and I thought it was really sweet. They do not see people go without very often in the States. I am sure there are people who do, just not right in front of us all the time.
This evening while we were were playing on the deck we were watching people walk up the hill with the stuff they were selling all day on their heads. CT said "When I get older and am really rich, from being an escapeologist, I am going to come back here and just buy everything from these people so they can have money for their families.
Finally, today I feel like we are getting settled and a little outside of ourselves, at least in mentality and it feels good.


  1. Very sweet! The kids have big hearts!! ♥

  2. So sweeet...makes me cry. The other day we were fighting with K2 to eat, shocker!! Anyways we went on to tell him all about what you are seeing/doing. He asked if he can take his money to give to you to help the people. He is also asking to come over and help you!
