Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Lord grant me patience, but please hurry!
I suck at patience. Strangers always say "Wow, 6 kids, you must be very patient." Little do they know the thoughts in my head. I try not to act on my impatient thoughts and I pray that someday I will not even have these thoughts, this was not that day.

I think we had a little lesson in Haitian culture:

I am learning the language very well...
- 8 am translation Maybe before noon.
- Your car will be back by 4pm translation I will call you at 8pm and tell you I will work on it tomorrow.
- The car is good to go translation It has not had an oil change, air pump change, transmission fluid change in a long time. Also, the front brakes are bad and there is a leak in the brake fluid line.
- There are other Americans looking at the house and we need to know today translation I really want you to pay me too much for this house now, not tomorrow, or next week.
- It is only a short drive translation I am now going to take you on a few hour drive right during lunch time and nap time.
- Your rent will include everything translation Except the "house help" that comes with house and all the utilites that total a crazy sum of money.
- I have a good house to show you translation I want you to pay me $20 to show you a house that you and I both know is not even an option, in fact it does not even have all of it's walls.
- The house has a play area translation On top of the roof there is a flat area to play.
- The road is a little rough translation You will need 4WD and a lot of prayer to make it up as it is more steep than Lombard street in San Fran. And I hope you know how to change tires.
- Housing prices have gone up a bit since the EQ due to all the aid coming in and the supply exceeding the demand translation A house that was $500/mo before the EQ is now $5000.

I guess in general it just feels like we are shelling out money left and right, everything is twice as far away as it should be, and everything takes three times longer than it should.
Perhaps this is why we are here. As I said earlier, I have the patience of a flea. I need to work on it. Luckily Justin and I make a pretty good team, when he is feeling frusterated I can pull it together and when I am he does.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! Sounds like your patience is being tested. Whose wouldn't?! Well hang in there and hope it all works out. It's weird to think that everything is so expensive when it is such a poor country. Hope tomorrow is better!
