Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Only in Haiti

The other night we were driving home from the beach; it had just gotten dark and the traffic was horrible, as usual. Traffic was stop and go on the dark, steep, windy road near our house. Didn't seem unusual, as we have become used to waiting in traffic. As we rounded the next corner, I caught a glimpse of something in the road and saw that cars were going around it. As we approached in the darkness, I made out the figure to be a man pushing another man in a wheelchair up the mountain road in the middle of the lane. Haiti certainly has few, if any, accommodations for the disabled and the transportation system is certainly not friendly to handicapped folks. I don't see that many disabled people out and about. I might know why now.

For whatever reason, Haitians seem to love Celene Dion. Her music speaks of love and pressing on, maybe something the Haitian people can relate to. It may be because she is French Canadian. For whatever reason, they can't get enough Celene Dion. In fact, I think there is a radio station in Port au Prince that plays her music almost exclusively. I sit next to a window that faces the street at our office. There is a truck that drives by 8-12 times per day, playing "My Heart Will Go On" (theme song to movie Titanic). Not simply just playing the song, but imagine playing the tune to the melodic chime of an ice cream truck. I can't get enough of it.

1 comment:

  1. Ok the post about Celine Dion is hilarious!! Perhaps I can find that lovely tune and make a cd for you so you have it back in the States!!!
