Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The good, the bad & the ugly

The Good-

Mostly everything

- The kids are doing well with homeschool,

- We are feeling a little settled,

- We have been able to volunteer in orphanages,

- There are great people here,

- I got the practice the hymns as I am going to play on Sunday,

- Rosalie is making Soup Jejour, some kind of pumpkin soup that smells so good

- We were able to go swimming at a hotel yesterday and met a group that is here doing an "attachment visit" at their orphanage. It was great to talk to people and hear their perspective. It was sad to hear of their journey and struggles.

- One of the ladies who came brought tons of Old Navy flip flops so now we have "house shoes", a must here.

The Bad-

- Some of the men here. There is this entitled, arrogant attitude in a lot of them. It is SUPER frustrating. In the States, I can take care of most things myself. Here my word is nothing and I am constantly harassed for more money until Justin steps in. They are not all like this.

- Being made to feel like I "owe" people because I am American.

- Being taken advantage of. We have come to realize someone we trusted has not been honest with us and it hurts.

- Today I would not pay a kid for "watching my car" (he and his 4 friends ran over as we were leaving the spot) He kicked the car once and pushed the side view mirror in. It wasn't until I laid on the horn and did not let up that he quickly ran away.

- These kids can not be over 8 years old and already this is what they are being taught, to not respect women and to act like people owe you things. No wonder they grow into the men some of these men are.

The Ugly-

- The kids saw "a giant guinea pig" in the bushes in our yard. When it appeared in our kitchen tonight we realized it was actually a RAT!

- The puppy cries at night unless she is in bed with someone, . . . we bought a kennel today.

- The zoo effect. Whenever we go anywhere, it is like we are the animals on exhibit at the zoo. People just stare. I guess we are quite the scene!


  1. Love it! Even the bad and ugly parts are so fascinating to me! What a mind-expanding experience for everyone.

  2. I'm sure you knew there would be times of stress. You are not going to be able to change Years of ingrained attitudes. I believe in attempting to live by the Serenity Prayer to the extent I can. We are fallible! God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen
    With love, Grandma Shirley
